Why BigONE’s Futures Events Have Become So Successful
Why BigONE’s Futures Events Have Become So Successful
The importance of our BigONE’s future promotions cannot be overstated. More than 5,000 people signed up for our August daily check-in event, and more than 100,000 USDT was awarded to its winners. Not surprisingly then the event’s popularity has remained high, with many people leavingmessages asking when it will be held again.
Following the August event, from our research at the beginning of the month, to the study of users’ trading habits, to the launch of the event at the end of the month, plans were drawn up in case of any problem. However, in the end the promotional event to be a resounding success.
Indeed, such was the positive response by participants to these futures activities that there’s been calls for a new event from our community.
The good news, from the person who runs the BigONE futures events, is that the entry level for these activities will be lowered even further, providing ordinary users with maximumopportunities for profit, while also meeting the needs of users with high transaction volumes.
How BigONE has won over new fans
If success in futures is said to be a test of experience and luck, then futures promotional events test an exchange’s innovationand ingenuity. Everything you paid for is worth it when an innovative event succeeds in securing a high uptake and participation. As a result, we have seen an influx of new users who are eager to register on our platform because of BigONE’s drive to develop and our reputation for security.
While BigONE has sometimes been overlooked by user opinion prior to the new globalization strategy, starting in 2021 there is a sense that BigONE is getting better, with a great mobile app UI, and strong participation in futures activities.
BigONE naturally values its relationship with its users, so it is very careful to set the right entry threshold and activity investment. We did not set a threshold for the two most recent events, particularly for the August check-in event.
At the same time, BigONE is gaining more credibility withinpublic opinion. This is reflected in coverage on crypto industry news websites, as well as popular channels from Medium to Reddit. Inspired by what they’ve seen many bloggers are also focusing on making videos explaining BigONE activities on their YouTube channels.
When’s BigONE’s next futures event?
When will the next BigONE event be held? This is the most frequently asked question from our community.
To confirm the next event is expected to take place on Monday, September 13. While this event is still without an entrythreshold, it provides more options for users with high transaction volumes, and the ability to choose rewards.
Unlike other exchanges that use futures ‘bonuses’ as rewards, USDT will be integral to this event. Indeed, almost all BigONE activities in the last six months have used USDT for nearly all the rewards. This is a result of BigONE’s unique event design.
With the rapid growth of the cryptocurrency market, the price of Bitcoin has continued to rise, and competition in the futures market has become increasingly fierce. Many exchanges still use the bonus model, where brand development is limited; whereas BigONE is constantly improving and changing the activity and rewards to optimize involvement.
BigONE has achieved a great deal for its community of users in 2021. It only engages in futures trading of mainstream currencies, avoiding the more esoteric crypto tokens, and it also categorically refuses to engage in any manipulation or list anyprojects that are liable to be “rug-pulled”.
Instead of squeezing our way into the so-called high-end market and extracting new investors, we only do mainstream currency futures transactions; we rely on popular activities to appeal to users, and our carefully crafted competitions to stand out from the rest.
This is BigONE’s approach to competition and attracting people to the exchange, focusing solely on mainstream futures activities, to ensure everyone goes away happy after an event.