The Passionate Team Behind CYCE
Hasan Karaozan is the founder and CEO of CYCE project. He has been working in the energy sector and on various R&D projects since 2002. They started building a biomass power plant in their country in 2012. With the experiences they gained from that, he realized that they could solve global warming and increasing carbon emissions with the blockchain system, and he started developing the CYCE project. For a start, he created a professional team, of which each member is an expert in their field. In the end, CYCE turned into a project that can ensure the sustainability of the world. With this project, people will invest in their future and renewable energy power plants, and life on earth will continue.
When he first started developing the CYCE project, he saw that he could leave something good for his children, the people of the world, and their future. Accomplishing this project became even more critical for him than any other jobs he has done so far. He decided to use all of his energy for CYCE project and the future of the world. He believes that each citizen of the world should support renewable energy sources to stop carbon emissions. He would be glad to leave a better future first for his children, then for the whole of humanity.
Baki Güngör, as the CFO, his job is to follow up on the company’s income and expenses, profit and loss ratios, supervise the internal control team and participate in the implementation of new standards and regulations. It is his responsibility to be a part of determining company strategies (and its operational expansion), to keep financial communication and relationships with shareholders and investors active, and to oversee internal audit, judicial and tax affairs, human resources management and general services.
When they first had this idea, he realized that they could solve a real-life problem using blockchain technology. This project and other linked ones were the first and unique projects in every aspect. Both the adaptation of blockchain technology to real life and creating a perfect chain of projects with no carbon emissions was an excellent result for both them and humanity.
Sami Cida is the general coordinator of this project. He thinks that CYCE is not just a digital project. It covers various fields such as software development, energy sources, global climate change, biomass power plants, C4 energy crops. He does the researches and strategic planning for all these. They also need a two-way marketing plan for both token buyers and power plants to be licensed, and he is the one that is in charge of developing strategic marketing plans and their follow-ups. He controls every stage of the project and makes sure that it becomes a success.
As the head of the management and decision-making mechanism of the project, he plans and follows every step in every field. For this reason, their project is an important one for the world and the future. It was initiated at the right time, using the right technologies. By reaching its short-term goals, it has created a solid ground for achieving its medium-term goals, thus, assuring that it can also perform its long-term goals.
Mehmet Fatih Göçgün, as the CIO of the company, assumes all responsibilities in terms of information technologies and carry all relevant authority. He is in charge of choosing the right software and information technologies for the product development and maturation phase, and he also takes upon task allocation for the team he leads and defines their responsibilities.
He thinks that it is clear that all steps taken to serve humanity, all production systems created by humans in the modern age and developed due to collect information and advanced technology studies, harm humanity, as we can see from their outputs. Starting from the entrance of the raw material until the finished product, all waste created within production facilities damages nature. He believes that global climate change is a problem that will lead to the worst world model to leave to our children, and as an individual who is aware of all these, he thinks it is necessary to find a solution for it to make the world habitable again. This is why they need to make this project a success.
Ferhat Borak, as the CTO (Chief Technology Officer) of the company. His job is to check up on existing technologies continuously and to establish relevant policies. He is also in charge of fixing IT-related issues within the company and developing, implementing, managing and evaluating the company’s technological resources.
He was very intrigued when he first heard this idea. As global warming worsens, it creates a lot of environmental problems for our world, which is the only world we can live in actually.Therefore, an idea supporting renewable energy sources is precious for all of us and that is also why he supports this idea.
Erdal Cida, as the CMO of CYCE team. His responsibilities are as follows:
- Marketing activities
- Getting in touch with coin listing platforms
- Carrying out operations for listing on exchanges
- PR activities for CYCE Project
- Implementation of blockchain technology for the project and creating written content
- Conducting researches on cryptocurrencies
He thinks that the main reason for global warming, greenhouse effect and climate change are all the same: Carbon emissions. Even though renewable energy sources are carbon-neutral, they still have a share as low as 11.4% for energy generation. And fossil fuel-fired power plants have the highest share, with 73.2%, which means fossil fuel equals carbon emissions. This is exactly why they created a calculation system to deliver 80% of their total CYCE tokens as a reward to renewable energy power plants. They choose blockchain technology to involve every person in the world within this support mechanism in the fastest way possible. People will be helping them channel new investments towards renewable energy sources and increase them in value by buying CYCE tokens. Thus, they will be eliminating global warming, the greenhouse effect, and all their negative impacts on the world through clean carbon-neutral energy. They can save the world with CYCE.
Uğur Aksoy, as the front-end developer of the team. He believes that they are going to change the world along with other team members. All of them are working to prevent and stop global warming. His job is to meet the team’s requirements and needs in software and web page development.
He thinks that this project can change the world. The world is getting warmer and warmer, and they can put an end to it. They have started fighting against global climate change harder, especially in recent years. If they win this war, the world will become a much more beautiful place to live, believing that they can make it happen.
Münir Ergen, as a member of the software developing team of the project. As they start to feel the impacts of global warming on the world more and more every day, he is proud to be a part of a team looking for a solution to global warming.
He has been researching climate change and its impacts for years, and he thought that there should be an effective solution to be found. When he first heard about this idea, he was very intrigued and immediately wanted to become a part of it. He believes that they will be successful.
As the art director of the CYCE project, Murat Sezer manages all of its visual platforms, such as its website, social media accounts, and others. He tries to visually explain their project’s spirit, idea and purpose to the world.
He thinks that CYCE is a project created for the future and to sustain the world. When he first read about it and heard it from their CEO Mr. Hasan Karaozan, he was very impressed, and he thought that he really must be a part of it. It couldn’t be possible for him to find a better opportunity to do something for the future of our world and the next generations. He stopped working on other small projects he was in charge of and joined the CYCE team. He believes that every person living on this planet should support this project to keep the world habitable because we may not have any other chance.
Ertuğrul Said Şimşek, as the R&D Manager of the company. His responsibility is to develop the fastest solution possible for every problem his team faces in relevance to the projects and conduct the necessary research for further developments. It is also a part of his job to report to the team the most up-to-date data and information needed about the crypto world daily. Developing and researching new ideas is one of his other vital responsibilities.
When he first heard this idea, he wanted to take part in a project fighting global warming. This idea and project were not the kinds he had ever heard or encountered before in the crypto world because blockchain projects have generally created solutions to digital problems. However, this project will be the solution to the latest and most significant issue in real life. After this project, the world’s carbon emissions will decrease and our planet will become a more habitable place. He strongly believes in the project and their CEO.